Saturday Morning Reading #1

Every Saturday morning I post a collection of my favourite blog posts of the week on the London International Development Network Facebook group. I’m going to start also post it here as a regular feature.

1) 10 Tips for a Bold & Ambitious Post-2015 Development Agenda
Great post looking at how to manage a very complex process including balancing diverse interests, managing expectations and create a narrative.

2) Why policy change takes more than just funding research
“There is a clear message: it isn’t enough just to fund research. You have to make sure it reaches the relevant policymakers and in a form that is useful to them.”…”If you want to encourage some activity, make it easy.” is particularly good advice; remember most civil servants/policy makers are lazy when it comes to reading research!

3) Oxfam chief on the global problem of gender equality
Anna Scott speaks to Winnie Byanyima, executive director of Oxfam International, about giving women access to power and the need to recognise poor people in rich countries.

4) 2013 may have been the best year in human history, but 2014 might not be. The world is becoming a better place to live (on aggregate) but some gains may be fragile and many are left out.

Please let me know if you have a great post missing from the list or have any comments on those posted.

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