Showing 2 result(s)

Saturday Morning Reading #46

Here’s your very belated “Saturday morning” reading (due to an impromptu weekend in Nairobi)… 1. National Development vs Poverty Reduction, in charts | Lee Crawford – Roving Bandit “Projects to increase an individual’s income in developing countries can help people get a better livelihood amongst those available in that country, but they probably aren’t going to change the overall set of opportunities facing …

Saturday Morning Reading #33

Here’s your bumper edition of Saturday morning reading… 1. Why you shouldn’t post photos of kids to Facebook | Brendan Rigby and Weh Yeoh – WhyDev I think a lot of us (including myself) can learn from this one. “Posting children’s photos is not only irresponsible and disrespectful, it’s also potentially dangerous. […]  So, next time you’re about …