Facilitator. Convenor. Coach. Consultant.
I bring people and ideas together in pursuit of deep change, and support others to do the same.
My aim is to contribute to dismantling harmful systems and to catalyse, weave and seed the emergence of a more equitable, regenerative future.

Designing, hosting and facilitating events and experiences that are inclusive, radical and fun.
Convening and brokering networks, communities and coalitions in order to tackle complex problems.
Asking beautiful questions, providing a listening ear and helping mission-driven people follow their imagination.
Supporting leaders, teams and organisations to become more equitable, horizontal, adaptive and effective.
Writing, synthesising and sharing ideas to connect the dots across disciplines and issues.
Helping organisations redistribute power and enable healthy collaboration.
"As a learning partner you have been able to provide a safe space in which I could critically but kindly look at what was done, how and what possible futures could be imagined. You facilitated the documentation and herstory of the project that goes beyond evaluation of outcomes or impact."
Huda Jawad, founder of the SAFE Communities project, now Co-Director at Musawah
"Jamie is brilliant at bringing his systems thinking to life in real situations, curiously seeking to understand constraints and motivations, and zooming out to look at the big picture. He is great at holding space for divergent views, and encouraging quiet voices. He's adept at 'dancing in the moment', and will marry careful planning with a willingness to sense what’s needed in the moment."
Emma Proud, Head of Learning and Adapting, Brink
Want to work with me or just have a chat about something? Get in touch by email or set up a virtual coffee.
I write a monthly newsletter called 'Learning Out Loud'. I use it as a way to weave together the themes I care about and share them beyond their normal siloes. Have a look!